Wednesday, June 22, 2016

What Trump has to do to Win

There’s no doubt about it, this has been a bad two weeks for Donald Trump. But it’s certainly not hopeless for the Trump train and there is movement to turn the ship around.

Chief among them was firing campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. I don’t believe for second his firing had anything to do with Michele Fields or Ivanka Trump.

Lewandowski was fired because he was a bad political manager. Whatever position he held before the campaign did not translate well into politics.

Chief among his mistakes was the failure to create a campaign organization in all 50 states to secure the gains of Trump’s primary victories.  This mistake almost (and may still) cost him the nomination as the Trump delegates to the Republican convention are not really loyal to Trump.

However, Trump is still the odds on favorite to win the nomination and this is what he need to do to win the general election:

·         Discipline, Discipline, Discipline. Pick a message of the day and stick to it. Do not go off on personal tangents about lawsuits and judges at best you seem petty and narcissistic and at worst you allow your opponents to define you as a racist and bigot.

·         Make peace with the Republican establishment. They don’t have to like you, but they need to be on-board with shared political interest.  Remember, you will need their organization since you failed to create one yourself.

·         Find the money. Hillary Clinton is outspending you three to one in Florida and the polls are showing it.

·         Define Hillary before she’s finished defining you. From foreign policy, to a liberal social agenda, to cozy relationships with wall street bankers, to a character issues, Hillary Clinton is a target rich environment. Time to start shooting.

·         Make this campaign about the voters. The means concentrating on trade, energy, and economic policy.  You have the convince them that their situation will improve under you and that you will “Make America Great Again”.


Commonsense said...

NBC's Steve Kornacki: Amazing How Thin Clinton/Trump Margin Is, Despite Trump's Problems

MSNBC host Steve Kornacki discusses the latest 2016 election polls showing Clinton and Trump in a dead heat in several key battleground states with the hosts of NBC's Today Show:

"It’s amazing," Kornacki said. "If you take the 2012 electoral map: Obama versus Romney, and kept it the same... If you can flip Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida, you’re the next president. For all of the trouble [Trump has] had, you’ve got them dead even in Ohio and Pennsylvania. [Polls showing him down in] Florida is bad news for him."

“How worried is the Clinton campaign about just that?" Today Show host Matt Lauer asked. "[We just saw several] great weeks for Hillary Clinton, terrible weeks for Donald Trump -- and they look at those polls in those states, how do they explain that?"

Hillary is so vulnerable.

KD said...

HB posted on CHT he want nothing more then to debate the facts on the issues, ok.

HB, Why have those that voted for Obama/Hillary poorer then they were before they took office?

Loretta said...

Good post, CS.

Commonsense said...

Trump's speech today went a long way toward defining Hillary.

Loretta said...

He made some good points.

She IS using blood money.

Nyukyukyuk said...

I don't see a path to victory for Trump. He can't unite the party. Sanders is very close to throwing his support behind Clinton. Certainly not all his supporters will follow, but many will. Trump's speech was effective, but so was Clinton's.

Commonsense said...

If I've learn anything in this election cycle, it is to never underestimate Donald J. Trump.