Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Liberals Think the Email Scandal Will Go Away

I'm not so sure.

From The Trump Campaign

From Reason Magazine.

Update: The RNC chimes in.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

They already have. The event in Dallas has monopolized the news and will continue to do so.

Commonsense said...

For this week that is true. But Hillary did herself no favors by her pandering.

People saw it for what it is. Cynically exploiting a tragedy to get votes.

Anyway. Those videos are forever and the Republicans have a large media budget.

Commonsense said...

Majority Disapprove of Decision Not to Charge Clinton on Emails (POLL)

A majority of Americans disapprove of the FBI's recommendation not to charge Hillary Clinton with a crime over her handling of email while secretary of state, and a similar number in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll say the issue leaves them worried about how she would handle her responsibilities as president if elected.

Most also say the email controversy won't affect their vote in the presidential election. But 28 percent say it leaves them less likely to support her, versus 10 percent who say it makes them more likely to do so.

Reactions to the decision are highly political, with partisanship factoring heavily in people's views. Yet Democrats don't back Clinton up on the issue nearly as much as Republicans criticize her, and independents side more with Republicans.

Overall, 56 percent disapprove of FBI Director James Comey's recommendation not to charge Clinton, while just 35 percent approve. Similarly, 57 percent say the incident makes them worried about how Clinton might act as president if she is elected, with most very worried about it. Just 39 percent feel the issue isn't related to how she would perform as president.

Yeah this email issue ain't going away.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Commensa: "Those videos are forever and the Republicans have a large media budget."

Looks like they'll need it.

Trump Radio Clips Give Democrats Even More Ammunition
When you are a public figure and an entertainer (of sorts), as Donald Trump has been for decades, you can pile up quite a lot of material that might prove embarrassing in the event of, say, a run for the presidency. Enterprising reporters have explored yet another Trump project of days past, and have again struck gold. This time it is the archives of "Trumped!", a series of 60-second commentaries from The Donald that were syndicated on various radio stations from 2004 to 2008.

The series lasted long enough to span two presidential elections, and on more than one occasion Trump praised Hillary Clinton, declaring that she would "make a good president." Also, in a truly stunning turn of events, he may have issued forth with a sexist remark on one occasion—or ten. For example, speaking admiringly of Saudi Arabia, Trump said:

There are a lot of male chauvinists in this country who really agree with what's going on over there. Men in Saudi Arabia have the authority to divorce their wives without going to the courts. I guess that would also mean they don't need prenuptial agreements.
Trump also regularly engaged in his habit of ogling attractive celebrity women from afar, including actress Keira Knightley, tennis player Maria Sharapova, and musician Britney Spears. So, it's another boon for the Clinton oppo research team. (Bates)

But I have to agree with Trump on "ogling" Keira Knightly. I ogle her too.
That woman, who has a body not considered sexy by most men, is just SO sexy!!!!!!
It's the face, the face, the face.