Sunday, July 24, 2016

Will Bernie Sanders Bolt the Democrat Party?

Three days ago most people were looking at another boring, slickly produced Democrat convention.

Bernie Sanders was brought on board and publically endorsed Hillary Clinton to the surprise and disappointment of his supporters. The price Clinton paid was small. A few meaningless face saving planks in the platform and the promise to seriously consider a progressive VP pick.

However, developments in the past three days are posed to make the planned Democrat unity and serenity convention a mere fantasy.

The first of course is Clinton’s pick of Tim Kaine as her VP running mate. The pick had the progressive caucus, Sanders supporters, and other far left groups in the Democrat party howling their disapproval. (Even with a 100% Planned Parenthood rating his support for gun control, he’s not liberal enough.)

Even with this very public slapping it was unlikely that Sanders would not bolt. However, the second development may be the tipping point.

WikiLeaks is releasing to the public emails obtained from the DNC server that were hacked by a person known as Guccifer 2.0. These emails conclusively show that far from the “neutral” arbiter the DNC was supposed to be in the primaries, it was actively working for the nomination of Hillary Clinton. For all practical purposes, the DNC was a branch of the Clinton campaign organization.

Their emails outline strategies for discrediting, and defeating the Sanders insurgency. Including questioning Sanders religion in key primary states of Kentucky, West Virginia, and Tennessee.

These emails reveal and absolute contempt for Sanders as well as the Democrat voters in these states. A contempt so prevalent that for Sanders it is an untenable humiliation.

It’s quite possible Sanders may bolt and rescind his endorsement.  His supporters may hold embarrassing demonstrations on the convention floor as well as outside the convention hall.

In an apparent peace bone to Bernie Sanders, Debbie Wasserman Schultz has been uninvited from speaking at her own convention. 

Drudge now has the story in big bold headlines.

Second Update:
Debbie Wasserman Schultz will resign as DNC chairman and will take no part in her own convention. 

Team Clinton is in a panic.  

What will Bernie Do?  

Last Update: 

The answer is Bernie sold out his supporters to their great anger and disappointment.  However, far from the unity convention team Clinton hoped for, the anger and divisiveness continues. 


Commonsense said...

To respond to Indy's post. Schultz was the sacrificial lamb to keep Sanders on board.

The DNC is the DNC Hillary wants. Imagine the nerve of Hillary saying that he looks forward to campaigning for Schultz in Florida after she fired her.

Anonymous said...

Imagine the nerve of Hillary saying that he looks forward to campaigning for Schultz in Florida after she fired her.

no chance of that happening. the florida DNC won't raise a dime for debbie dipshit.

Anonymous said...

The House Democratic campaign chief confirmed today they would not be providing funding to Debbie Wasserman Schultz in her Florida race.

Commonsense said...

Ouch!! Her humiliation is complete.

C.H. Truth said...

The answer... we now know is "yes" - Bernie will bolt the Party.