Our campaign lost the election. But Trump’s team must own up to how he won.
I know how to be a gracious loser.
I could have let it go last week when Kellyanne Conway, Donald Trump’s campaign manager, challenged me to look her in the eye and say she ran a campaign that gave white supremacists a platform. I considered for a split second. I knew you were supposed to be gracious when you come for the post-election forum at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. But I decided this was a year where normal rules don’t apply. Speaking the truth was more important.
“It did. Kellyanne, it did,” I told her. It’s just a fact. Trump winning the election doesn’t change that. To my mind, his win makes it all the more important that the truth be acknowledged.
No Jennifer, you do not know how to be gracious. Nor is your infantile behavior anything close to the truth. The only saving grace is that after losing a campaign you should have won in your sleep, you will never hold a significant position in a political campaign again.
And neither will your fellow colleagues that made up Clinton's senior staff.
This behavior is also apparent in the prolong and useless recount demands, petitions for the electoral college betrayal of the voters, the incessant whining about the popular vote, and the sudden campaign by liberal activist to eliminate the electoral college altogether.
This behavior does not reflect well on the people who would have ruled us.
It in fact confirms the wisdom of electing Donald Trump as the next president of the United States.
The only saving grace is that after losing a campaign you should have won in your sleep, you will never hold a significant position in a political campaign again.
don't be so sure. bob shrum has never won so much as an election for podunk county dog catcher, yet he continues to remain employed in various democrat campaign circles. plus, he's MSDNC's 'go to' guy for campaign intelligence.
remember, when liberals fail they always fail up.
Well, it they want to keep hiring perennial losers that's just fine with me.
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