Monday, August 1, 2016

Benghazi Mother: I was treated like dirt.

Indeed she was. By the very same people who were outraged by Trump's treatment of the Khans. 

Hypocrisy ------- Bedrock ---------- Liberalism  

Kudos to CNN for presenting the other side of the story. 

Which bring is to Hillary's public remarks when the remains of Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith and the other heros of Benghazi came home:

Exit Question: If Hillary Clinton publicly said the attacks were due to an internet video, why would she tell the families anything differently? 


Commonsense said...

One more thing want to make perfectly clear.

I have no intention to comment on Rogers blog post about Trump's sanity. It's little better than calling him Hitler and doesn't deserve any serious consideration.

By anyone.

Anonymous said...

same here. it's the perfect receptacle for all of the feces that the alky, pastor pederast and d0pie can fling about.