Monday, August 1, 2016

Donald, Quit Digging

Khizr and Ghazala Khan are gold star parents who were cynically paraded out by the Democrats to criticize Donald Trump during the convention. 

If I had a chance to speak to Mr. Khan, I would point out that if his son was still alive, he wouldn't get in invitation to speak.

And if he did, he would be booed off the stage like Medal of Honor recipient Florent Groberg.

Donald Trump had a golden opportunity to thank Mr. Khan's son for his service, gently point out that his immigration policy is constitutional and renew his criticism of US foreign that was a factor in Captain Khan's death.

Instead, he directly engages Mr. Kahn in the most cringe-worthy narcissistic manner possible. Tump gave his numerous enemies in the media fodder for days of stories about his insensitivity.  

One of the axions of politics is that you never win an argument with gold-star mothers and fathers. You just thank them for their son's sacrifice and don't engage them. 

Being an experienced politician, Hillary Clinton knew that. She refused to engage Patricia Smith. She smoothy sidestep the question and moved on. 

That being said however, she had a disastrous interview with Chris Wallace sunday. And if it wasn't for Trump's inartful, ill advised attack on Mr. Khan, that would have been the story this weekend. 

So my advice to Donald Trump is quit digging and move on. This is a lose-lose situation and you can't afford many more mistakes.        


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He can't stop. It's compulsive.

C.H. Truth said...

Trump literally hasn't said anything since the interview where he was asked about it. He put up one tweet asking why he wasn't allowed to defend himself.

The rest is a classic example of the media understanding that liberals are little more than Pavlov's dog.

Indy Voter said...

When his media spokeswoman is still making pronouncements on this five days after the fact Trump hasn't let this pass. That she blamed an Illinois state senator for Khan's death is just ... words fail me to describe this.

Commonsense said...

No childish mocking or goading on this blog James. Stick to the point.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The comment you deleted was in reply to Indy, and totally appropo.

But do not worry. I have no problem leaving your seldom visited threads alone.

Commonsense said...

Thank you.

Commonsense said...

Sigh, this was all Trump had to do. Just sit back and let Khan destroy himself.

Khizr Khan: Allah Is Causing Trump to Make Stupid Mistakes

Allah Akbar.
Sharia supporting attorney Khizr Khan is still making the media rounds.

Khizr Khan who waved a US Constitution at Donald Trump at the DNC Convention was interviewed by Dunya Pakistani News this week.

Khan believes Sharia trumps the Constitution – so the entire premise of his DNC speech was a big lie.

Khan told Dunya News Allah is working in this election.

Dunya News reported, via Religion of Peace:

The father of martyred United States (US) soldier Captain Humayun Khan, Khizr Khan, has on Thursday said that the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is unacceptable to the US. He said that Allah makes people like Trump to make mistakes to discredit them in public eyes forever, reported Dunya News.

Talking exclusively to Dunya News on program Nuqta-e-Nazar, Khizr Khan said that he often gets emotional while speaking in public but when nature wants you to do something, words come by themselves. He said his speech was a gift from the God. “I showed the constitution only because I wanted to remind people that nobody could be discriminated against in the name of religion”, said Khizr.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

No trying-to-be objective and fair journalist, no citizen who cares about the country and its future can ignore what Donald Trump said today. When he suggested that "The Second Amendment People" can stop Hillary Clinton he crossed a line with dangerous potential. By any objective analysis, this is a new low and unprecedented in the history of American presidential politics. This is no longer about policy, civility, decency or even temperament. This is a direct threat of violence against a political rival. It is not just against the norms of American politics, it raises a serious question of whether it is against the law. If any other citizen had said this about a Presidential candidate, would the Secret Service be investigating?

Candidate Trump will undoubtably issue an explanation; some of his surrogates are already engaged in trying to gloss it over, but once the words are out there they cannot be taken back. That is what inciting violence means.

To anyone who still pretends this is a normal election of Republican against Democrat, history is watching. And I suspect its verdict will be harsh. Many have tried to do a side-shuffle and issue statements saying they strongly disagree with his rhetoric but still support the candidate. That is becoming woefully insufficient. The rhetoric is the candidate.

This cannot be treated as just another outrageous moment in the campaign. We will see whether major newscasts explain how grave and unprecedented this is and whether the headlines in tomorrow's newspapers do it justice. We will soon know whether anyone who has publicly supported Trump explains how they can continue to do.

We are a democratic republic governed by the rule of law. We are an honest, fair and decent people. In trying to come to terms with today's discouraging development the best I can do is to summon our greatest political poet Abraham Lincoln for perspective:

"We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature."

Lincoln used these stirring words to end his First Inaugural Address. It was the eve of the Civil War and sadly his call for sanity, cohesion and peace was met with horrific violence that almost left our precious Union asunder. We cannot let that happen again.
Dan Rather